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Life Sciences in Full Color

This campaign promoted awareness of the biotech industry and sparked a wave of interest in life sciences and biotech careers.

From Awareness to Action

Our work showed job seekers in the Boston market that diversity in these fields is what truly “ignites” life sciences, and helped put more people of diverse backgrounds on the path to finding rewarding new careers.


  • Client

    Lab Central Ignite

  • Location

    Cambridge, MA

  • Services

    Advertising, Media Buying, Video &
Photography, Website 
Design, Website 

bringing color to
the industry

The campaign showcases the stories and character of those working in the industry, highlighting the full spectrum of life science and biotech and those who work in it.

igniting audiences

While initially we conveyed a confident and playful vibe with vibrant colors and inspirational copy, we later updated the campaign to inspire action and reflect sophistication with a new color palette and refined fonts.

Any time I meet someone who hasn’t met a scientist who looks like me, it is a great opportunity to change their minds and change those stereotypes.

nabiha sakleyan, Phd founder of cellino bio

A path to opportunity

The campaign targeted women and people of color, specifically prospective career-switchers, high school students, and parents.
The goal was to help those underrepresented in life sciences and biotech see themselves reflected in the industry, know that they have a place, and that they are needed and welcome in the field.

Making an Impact

In total, the number of impressions across social media, digital ads, and outdoor ads successfully amounted to 16.7M, and the campaign drove 30K unique visitors to the Lab Central Ignite microsite.

Proud is an Understatement

Because of the campaign’s incredible purpose and impact, we were given this award to honor our use of social media and digital to engage and collaborate with historically marginalized racial and ethnic communities.

Shorty Awards

Multicultural Community Engagement

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